A new gig
/It's certainly been a long break between updates, but life has a way of throwing higher priority activities in your way. But now I finally find myself with a day or two spare and I've decided to put some of my energies into the maintenance of my own business.
2017 was a massive year for the Selwood Scribe family. Most of it was spent on the other side of the globe, bouncing around the Iberian Peninsula. In April Mrs Selwood and I packed up our house and kids, sold most of our worldly possessions and headed off into the blue. First stop was Madrid, then... well, you can read all about what happened next at our Blog - Towards the Horizon.
Spokes on a wheel - The black lines trace the paths of our Spanish Adventures.
But long term travel didn't mean I had to shut up shop. No indeed, I was writing professionally the whole time, living the life of a digital nomad. I retained a couple of clients back on home turf, most notably the Cora Barclay Centre and the University of South Australia's Division of Health Sciences, for whom I was writing and editing grant applications. I'm particularly proud of the fact that from Spain (and France, Portugal and the UK) I still managed to secure over $178,000 in grants for the excellent team at the Cora Barclay Centre, who do such good work in supporting kids with hearing impairments learn to participate fully in their communities.
I also did a fair bit of independent feature writing and had a number of articles published. Most were on Swellnet and charted my surfing adventures (or the lack thereof). I also sent one in to local news outlet InDaily, describing our (mis)adventures on the Bermondsey Beer Mile in London.
It was an incredible experience, and one that will stay with all of us, including the little inkstains, for as long as we live. But our journey eventually came to an end, as all things must, and we returned to the great southern land in time for the start of the 2018 school year.
So what has your humble Scribe been up to since then? Well, I've been reconnecting with old clients (keep an ear to the ground for the new Skilled Hands Plumbing & Gas website, to be launched soon), and collaborating with new friends.
One of the most fun projects I've had the pleasure to be involved with has been writing regular articles for Brand South Australia's Regional Showcase, helping to put the spotlight on the great work of people and organisations in SA's regions.
Also, I'm helping out a researcher based in the Blue Mountains to design a website for the First Australian Women's Songbook, which I'm just starting to sink my teeth into.
So that's it! That's what I've been up to and where I'm headed in the near future. If you need the services of a skilled, experienced wordsmith, for any project, big or small (or somewhere in between), don't hesitate to get in contact.